Is a registered charity & 100% volunteer lead organisation.

We support artists, crafters and performers and put on organised and pop up events to showcase the amazing wealth of talent in our communities. If you would like to join us in any way we would be delighted to hear from you.

Our aim is to make art, craft and performance accessible to all our diverse communities across the Midlands and particularly bring activities to challenged and compromised communities to offer them the joy of community togetherness and the healing power of creativity.

We would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to donate to us, please contact us on 07818 830988 or email us at [email protected].
We would like to set up ongoing win win relationships with local businesses that share our goals of inclusivity and creativity for all members of our community, do get in touch if you have ideas that we can work on together?

Creative Arts Showcase charity no 1198055
Registered by the Charity Commission for England and Wales on 24th February 2022.

To support us on

Donations may also be made directly to our Bank – as follows:-

National Westminster Bank

Account name: Creative Arts Showcase

Account number: 85278033

Sort code: 60-04-05

Creative Arts run many different events in collaboration with local charities which include, Bromsgrove District Housing Trust, Avoncroft Museum, Parkinsons UK and coming up shortly, Primrose Hospice. If you want to add some Creative sparkle to your local event – get in touch under Contact us.

We appreciate your support – thank you.