‘Capturing Creativity’ Exhibition

Got an idea? Want to try something new? We want to see it.

Creative Art Showcase is excited to announce the launch of our new online exhibition called ‘Capturing Creativity’, open to your widest interpretation.

Whether you are a budding painter, sculptor, photographer, or digital artist we welcome submissions in all mediums. Do push the boundaries of traditional art forms and explore new and exciting ways of expressing yourself. 

Create your masterpiece at home or come along to one of our workshops, see our website for details.

Open to all under 18’s and split into age categories: – 

Preschool & under, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 and 17-18.

Independent Judges will choose a winner and runner-up for each category. Winners will receive a £25 voucher and runners-up a £15 voucher plus free family tickets for Showcase 24. 

Winning original artworks will be showcased in the ‘Capturing Creativity’ exhibition at Showcase 24 on 26th & 27th October 2024, alongside regional artists. 

Children and young people have amazing imaginations and endless potential, let’s all celebrate and showcase Midlands talent.

Young Creators Online Exhibition timeline: –

February – 30th April 2024 – Creative phase, submit entries to www.creativeartshowcase.org

1st June – 30th June – Online Exhibition displayed on www.creativeartshowcase.org

7th July – Winners announced.

31st July – Original winning artwork to be with Creative Art Showcase.

26th & 27th October – Winner’s original artwork exhibited in the ‘Capturing Creativity’ exhibition at Showcase 24.

All submissions will be displayed in Severn Arts  Young Voices – New Vision Exhibition in Worcester Cathedral from Sunday 26th May to Sunday 23rd June.

Carla, one of last year’s Winners and Peoples Vote Winner




Creative Art Showcase (CAS) is a registered charity – Registration No. 1198055.

Our mission is making Creativity, in all its diverse forms accessible to all our communities.

Sign up to CAS newsletter for updated Creative Art Showcase news and follow us on Socials.

Event Details

Date Sat 26th - Sun 27th October 2024
Event Location: Online and Winners at Bromsgrove School in October 2024

Video Gallery

Submit your artwork to us

Submissions are now Closed for Young Creators 2024